Are You Ready for a Quantum Leap?

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Hello + Welcome!

Several years ago I had the inspired idea to buy a domain name…so, even though I didn’t know what I was buying it for, I immediately purchased it and then went about the rest of my day without giving it much thought. A few days later, I woke up with the inspiration for this program.  I followed my intuition, took immediate action and voila...a new program was born!

And that, my friend, is the key to creating a quantum leap...did you catch the formula?

The key to using intuition in practical ways that create real, tangible result is that Intuitive Guidance is MEANT for the moment.

Get the guidance, discern the next action steps and take the action...implement immediately.

That's the energy I call "Intuitive Hustle" and that energy lies at the very core of this program - all starting with the way it was conceived.

Welcome to the Intuitive Hustle Program!

I have fallen in love with this way of serving my clients. I have seen clients manifest miracles and create true quantum leaps during this short 90-day process. I am absolutely thrilled that you are here, on this page, to learn more about how the level of support and intuitive mentoring, available through this unique program, can help you change YOUR life!

Your intuition is a guidance system a lot like your car's GPS.

Your intuition can lead you anywhere you want to go, but you have to know how to use it -
how to program the GPS, how to turn the volume up on the guided directions and
how to get back on track when you ignore its guidance.

Want to learn how to use your intuition more effectively and
actively move towards the reality you really want?

This Private 90-day VIRTUAL Program Is Ideal For You If:

  • You have a long list of tasks and loose ends that you think about daily, but just haven’t gotten around to.
  • You are an idea machine and have zillions of creative ideas and projects that you have yet to implement or complete.
  • You’re overwhelmed by all the possibilities and don’t know where to start or which path to choose.
  • You’ve had the same goals for months (maybe even years!) and have yet to create the results you really want.
  • Your New Year’s resolutions are the same year after year.
  • You realize enough is enough. You are ready to stop stalling, get focused, and receive support to manifest new results.
  • Or, You are already in the process of implementing and taking action, but you are ready for a quantum leap.

And If:

  • You know you're intuitive. You get "intuitive hits," but they seem sporadic, unpredictable and you wish you knew how to access your intuition "on demand."
  • You’re questioning and second-guessing yourself, wondering why your life isn’t falling into place the way you envisioned.
  • You may even question your intuition and wonder if you’re on the right path.
  • Maybe you know what you want, but you just can’t seem to see the clear path to take you there. Or maybe you don't know what you want and you keep anxiously waiting for a calling from the Universe telling you which path is the right path.
  • You question yourself, stall out in confusion and self-doubt. Or maybe you just get brain fog and can’t even see the next steps you need to take towards your goals.
  • You realize enough is enough. You are ready to stop stalling, get focused, and receive support to manifest new results.
  • You are tired of slow growth and ready to move forward quickly. You’re totally craving a quantum leap.

Your Quantum Leap Success Formula:

Know Your Personal Manifestation Style
Set Powerful Intentions that Align to Your Soul's Authentic Desires
Listen to Your Intuition
Hustle (Take Fast Action!)

In Just 90 Short Days You Will:

  • Commit to a do-able 90-day intention ALIGNED to Your Soul’s Highest Path and Purpose (I'll show you exactly how to do that),
  • Embody a consistent daily action practice that is ALIGNED to your most authentic self,
  • Clear Energetic Blocks so you can move quickly through fear, limiting beliefs and shame to get into purposeful action,
  • Learn how to work WITH resistance to discover the opportunities it reveals,
  • Take inspired action that is aligned to your intended result,
  • Consciously activate your Soul’s innate ability to create whatever you commit to,
  • Learn how to consciously work with Universal Laws + Principles so they can work FOR you,
  • Run towards your dream with support to navigate fear, self-doubt and insecurities that are inevitable on the path of expansion.

***NOTE: This program INCLUDES the Resistance Cure Program***

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Sarah Ouellette

"I started Kyrsten's Intuitive Hustle program with a huge to-do list seeking ways to get through it as quickly as possible.  With Kyrsten's help I breezed through it with ease."


Sarah Ouellette
lawyer, mediator, life coach at Responseability Coaching

"I literally had a new career opportunity open up within 24 hours of working with Kyrsten – no joke.  I felt like I was living someone else's  life, a life that was beyond what I could dream of at the time. As a gift to myself I will continue to work with her as life presents new possibilities. I can't wait for what may be next!"


This program is not for everyone. This is specifically for people who are ready to drop the excuses, stop putting off until tomorrow, and are ready to be fully supported to create fast change in their lives. Stepping into this opportunity is declaration that you are ready to move mountains and you agree to allow me to call you on your crap.

Are YOU Ready?

My intention is to give you, an exclusive opportunity to receive high-level, Soul-Centered support and eliminate all the “I can’t because…” excuses we all feed ourselves daily. YOU CAN do this and the Universe (through your intuition) WILL show you how!


This is a program about listening to the creative nudges of your Soul NOW!

Not tomorrow, not next week, next weekend, not when you retire, or when the kids leave the house…NOW.

Your Soul is nudging you NOW because NOW is the time. It is no accident that this opportunity presented itself to you.

So let’s get movin'!

Simply fill out your application and we'll schedule a brief phone session to make sure this program is the perfect fit for you.

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If You Are Ready To Activate Your Inner Spiritual Warrior and this Intuitive, Soul-full, Purpose Driven 90-day Intuitive Hustle Feels like a Match to You, here is your Commitment:

  • You agree to complete the modules of the Resistance Cure Core Curriculum at your own pace
  • You agree to listen to each of the brief daily training audios and participate in the daily Intentions + Celebrations practice
  • You agree to arrive on time and ready to work for each of your (12) group intuitive mentoring calls (or catch up via the replay)
  • You give me your permission to hold you accountable and call you out when I see you activating the energy of disempowerment, victimization, lack or making excusing.

Now Is Your Time!

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"Working with Kyrsten has LITERALLY changed my life.  With her guidance, support and wisdom, she helped me discover the most successful, confident and happy self I have ever experienced.  She has had a profound impact on each aspect of my life.  If you’re reading this, you already have found your way to a source of immense knowledge.  I encourage you to take the next step and work with Kyrsten - you will be amazed at how much you learn about yourself and where that will lead you."

Jenny Castle
Human Resources Consulting at

“Kyrsten's Intuitive  Hustle Program could not have come at a better time for me. I was in the process of taking a self-paced certification course when something in me stalled. I knew it was fear. Months went by and I still couldn't find it in me to finish. Kyrsten’s Intuitive Hustle Program was EXACTLY what I needed. Kyrsten is amazing! Her support is with nothing but pure love and devotion and she makes sure you accomplish your goals. Within one month, I finished the course and I was certified. I don't think I could have done it without her. If you are considering taking Kyrsten's Intuitive Hustle Program, but for some reason are unsure. That part of you that is nudging you to take it, that is your intuition and higher self calling you. Take the course, you will not regret it."

Kimberly Bateman
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Frequently Asked Questions

Will it work for me?

Yes! Universal Laws are laws meaning always true, dependable no matter what and no matter who. That said, you will have to commit to doing your part to get results. 

I don't know if I have time for this. What's the commitment?

This program is designed to be do-able in small daily chunks. Small on time, high on impact. If you really want to make a change, you will be required to put in some effort, but that doesn’t mean it has to be hard or take a long time. We’re all about efficiency and quantum leaps around here.

Do I need to know anything about manifestation, Universal Laws or using my intuition?

My clients usually have some familiarity with these concepts, but it is certainly not required. Whether you're a newbie or you've been studying for years and/or have received other intuitive readings, you'll receive everything you need to take your next actions in embodying your Soul's unique blueprint. I make a point to break things down so the info is easy and digestible. Intellectual understanding and conscious awareness are fantastic, but what we really crave is EMBODIMENT.

To get the most out of this program be prepared to deeply contemplate what resonates for you, to take action on the insights you receive, to practice using the tools you learn and to focus on embodying the most authentic, radiant, awakened version of yourself.

Who is this program for?

Spiritually minded, highly conscious leaders, entrepreneurs, coaches, healers, teachers, business teams, partners, families, and parents who are dedicated to living a life of authentic self-expression, love, peace and purpose - anyone who knows in their heart they have a gift to give and is eager to embrace this gift and share it with others.

My programs, services and products are intended for people who are absolutely ready to step up and take full responsibility for creating joy and abundance in all areas of their lives. My clients are people who feel called to be of service to the world and they know they cannot possibly serve in the highest way if they are not moving deeper into authentic self-expression. My company has been created for the SOUL purpose of partnering with individuals who are willing to align with their Soul and take inspired action in accordance with Divine Love, Light and Truth for greater health, prosperity, peace and joy.

You are in the right place if you are willing to discover and claim your heart's most authentic desires.

My services are designed to support YOU in:

~taking Bold, Authentic ACTION to manifest the intentions you choose to commit to.

~managing your energy so you are serving yourself and living your life more authentically.

~addressing fears and doubts head-on to move beyond them and experience a greater sense of ease and wellbeing.

~accessing your inner guidance and intuition to move into aligned, inspired action and self-expression.

My programs and services are not passive. You will be expected to come with an open mind, ready to learn new concepts, integrate higher ways of being and take consistent inspired action. You can expect full support from me and my team throughout your journey, but we cannot do the work for you.

We work with individuals who are willing to partner with the Universe/Source Energy/Spirit/God and take aligned, decisive action to create your intentions. It takes courage and willingness to approach your life differently. We are here as a guide. We will lovingly be your partner and walk beside you every step of the way. You CAN do this and YOU ARE WORTH IT!


I can’t wait to work with you!

To Your Success!

Kyrsten Barrett